I have finally started trimming my boys full time and it has been so rewarding! Learning about hooves has been so much fun and trimming them myself gives me a real sense of accomplishment. If you are interested in trimming, definitely do a lot of research and be aware that it is very addictive! I have to be careful not to be too much of a perfectionist and to just walk away when I have done my best...otherwise I would spend hours on one trim. Currently, I am trying to improve the health of their frogs and am making great progress with Eclipse's toe crack. Unfortunately they both have slight separation so I will be keeping a close eye on them as we go into fall.
So far, the weather this summer has been relatively nice and most weekends I have been fortunate enough to go on trail rides with my client Anita. Her skills as a rider and horsewoman have improved significantly but Calatar has a way of always keeping her on her toes. August will be a little hit and miss as far as riding is concerned but I am looking forward to the nice cool weather that fall will bring.