Well my love affair with Friesians is official. I arrived at Magnolia Creek Farm yesterday and have already had the wonderful opportunity to play with both Toriana and Piterke. The forecast called for brutal heat but I was able to work with Toriana some this morning and it was so much fun. Tori is so left brain and easy going (I can't believe she is only two!); you can tell that her owner has done a wonderful job raising her. I have to admit she was a little pushy but as I have learned that is not uncommon for Friesians. I didn't do too much with her, but we played with the first four games and she showed good improvement.
Thankfully we had some rain in the afternoon and it brought the temperature down considerably. I played with Piterke in the evening and she was excellent with friendly and yo-yo and did alright with porcupine. Her driving was a little rusty but she did make improvement. Mares are so interesting because they really have their own thoughts about everything! You have to do so much more to impress them and they really "don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Piterke is such a beautiful mover on the circle and I introduced zone one pressure to ask for a downward transition. She was unsure of what I wanted at first and really moved out (WOW) but after a few tries she started to get the hang of it. I am having such a wonderful time here and I can't wait to ride a Friesian for the first time!
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