
I decided to create this site so that I can chronicle my never ending learning experiences. My primary discipline is competitive trail riding however I am interested in pursuing other disciplines including classical dressage. I have studied natural horsemanship for nine years and it has shown me how important a solid foundation is for both horse and rider. I have a passion for educating others and enjoy working with "problem" horses. My goals are to always remain open minded and to never stop learning.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Saber Tooth Bag

Today was deworming day for the boys...I really want to learn more about doing fecals and "natural" deworming alternatives but until then I am still using chemical dewormer. Today was the first time I have used dewormer with Eclipse and he did very well. I didn't have a lot of time to do much else and so after deworming him, I put the empty tube back in the plastic shopping bag and went to untie his halter with the bag still in my hand. Well Eclipse thought it was going to eat him so I used this wonderful opportunity to desensitize him to the saber tooth bag. It took a while but he eventually became calm and confident with the bag all over and around him.

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