
I decided to create this site so that I can chronicle my never ending learning experiences. My primary discipline is competitive trail riding however I am interested in pursuing other disciplines including classical dressage. I have studied natural horsemanship for nine years and it has shown me how important a solid foundation is for both horse and rider. I have a passion for educating others and enjoy working with "problem" horses. My goals are to always remain open minded and to never stop learning.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My thoughts on Barefootedness

I originally posted this on the It's About The Horse forum.

There are some people that believe that shoes have ruined the human foot (if you don't believe me just google it). They say that shoes have made our feet weak (not just the soles but the internal structures) and that the majority of foot problems occur because we wear shoes. In my opinion these people seem to have beliefs that are very similar to those of a so called "barefoot purist." Now I do not believe that these beliefs are completely unjustified. I am sure that my feet are weaker than those of my barefooted ancestors but in my day to day life I seem to do alright with good fitting comfortable shoes.

Now all of that is well and good but with both horses and humans all shoes are not created equal. Someone who walks around in high heels all of the time is going to have a much unhealthier foot than someone who wears tennis shoes. Being young and healthy I could probablly "go barefoot" if I really wanted to and I am sure that over time my feet would strengthen a considerable amount. Heck there are many long distance runners out there that run barefoot and more power to them. My mom on the other hand has a "pathological foot" and going barefoot for her would be a much more painful process. Would it strengthen her feet? Probably. Would she ever go "sound" barefoot? It's doubtful. In that situation is it really fair to make her live in constant discomfort?

I think that most horses raised with proper "stimulation, nutrition, and environment" absolutely do not need shoes. But what about all of the horses who didn't have that? What about the horses that have developed hoof pathologies that are extremely uncomfortable even on soft footing? Are there aspects of shoeing that are inherently damaging to the foot? Probably. But is a well balanced foot with a properly applied shoe any worse than my mom having to wear orthotic shoes?

Luckily, I have horses with healthy enough feet that I can keep them barefoot and they are comfortable. I am also fortunate enough to have boots that fit them well and only have to use them sparingly. If I wasn't this fortunate I honestly don't know what I would do. I know that finding a good farrier is difficult at best. I also know that it would be hard for me to shoe any horse that I owned. However, all things considered it would be impossible for me to leave a horse in pain and barefoot if shoes could make it more comfortable. Would it be like putting a brace on an elbow? Yes. Would I have the potential to damage the foot if I decided to work them with that brace? Absolutely. In the end I think everyone has to weigh the pros and cons and make the decision that they are at peace with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good call Alayna, I totally agree!