
I decided to create this site so that I can chronicle my never ending learning experiences. My primary discipline is competitive trail riding however I am interested in pursuing other disciplines including classical dressage. I have studied natural horsemanship for nine years and it has shown me how important a solid foundation is for both horse and rider. I have a passion for educating others and enjoy working with "problem" horses. My goals are to always remain open minded and to never stop learning.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer Update

Summer semester has just ended and I have a mere two weeks to catch my breath before fall semester begins. The boys have a new home, a very hilly ten acre pasture with a stream that runs through the middle. Other than the 24/7 access to grass (which is nothing new) it is an ideal setup. They have three other herd mates so it is a nice, relatively quiet affair. Currently, I am eagerly awaiting the results of a nutritional analysis of their pasture. I have always wanted to learn more about horse nutriton but have been overwhelmed with all of its complexities. Now there is a new program (FeedXL) that simplies this process. I can't wait to see the results and will now be able to supplement vitamins and minerals on an as needed basis.

I have finally started trimming my boys full time and it has been so rewarding! Learning about hooves has been so much fun and trimming them myself gives me a real sense of accomplishment. If you are interested in trimming, definitely do a lot of research and be aware that it is very addictive! I have to be careful not to be too much of a perfectionist and to just walk away when I have done my best...otherwise I would spend hours on one trim. Currently, I am trying to improve the health of their frogs and am making great progress with Eclipse's toe crack. Unfortunately they both have slight separation so I will be keeping a close eye on them as we go into fall.

So far, the weather this summer has been relatively nice and most weekends I have been fortunate enough to go on trail rides with my client Anita. Her skills as a rider and horsewoman have improved significantly but Calatar has a way of always keeping her on her toes. August will be a little hit and miss as far as riding is concerned but I am looking forward to the nice cool weather that fall will bring.

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